Flexing Our Courage Muscle (2 Kings 11)

When my son was in second grade, his teacher had the most fascinating family story. They immigrated to the US from the Netherlands, but during the Second World War, her grandparents had harbored Jews in their very home. It was obviously a huge risk for their entire family, their house was even searched by Nazi […]

An Unlikely Heroine (2 Kings 5)

We can hardly imagine anything good resulting from the story we read in 2 Kings 5. A young girl, forcibly taken from her home (most probably as people, including her father, were killed in mass) and taken to another country as a slave. It was a terrible situation, to say the least. God saw it […]

Burning Bridges (1 Kings 19)

During an average day of plowing, Elisha had the most extraordinary experience. The prophet Elijah met him in the field and threw his cloak over Elisha’s shoulders. Elisha knew exactly what that meant. He had been chosen to be the next prophet of Israel. As Elisha stood there wearing Elijah’s cloak, he had a decision […]

Pray Big (1 Kings 17)

The Law of First Mentions is the theological term that describes when something monumental happens in the Bible for the very first time and each one is significant. The story of the Widow of Zarephath, found in First Kings 17, has two of them and they are huge. First, when God sent the prophet Elijah […]

Good Advice (1 Kings 12)

I grew up with a family whose father demanded complete respect at all times. He made every decision in their house. To prove his absolute authority, this man created rules that applied to one child but not another. His rules were subject to change without notice. What was acceptable one day might not be acceptable […]