An Unlikely Heroine (2 Kings 5)

We can hardly imagine anything good resulting from the story we read in 2 Kings 5. A young girl, forcibly taken from her home (most probably as people, including her father, were killed in mass) and taken to another country as a slave. It was a terrible situation, to say the least. God saw it all, of course, and used that sweet child to bring about a great miracle. As D.L. Moody noted, “A little maid said a few words that made a commotion in two kingdoms!”

In Genesis 28:15, God promised Jacob, “I am with you and will keep you wherever you go.” For some Christians that has meant that God would be with them through martyrdom, through persecution, and through any number of horrifying situations. For this young believer in Jehovah it meant that God would be with her in slavery. Here are two things that she can teach us.

First, she didn’t let her station in life define her. This girl was a slave, but she was also an Israelite, one of God’s chosen people. She never forgot that fact, even in another country surrounded by people who worshiped other gods.

When my friend drops her kids off anywhere she always reminds them: “Remember whose you are.” We would do well to remind ourselves that before we head off to work, into the grocery store, or anywhere else we might go. We are ambassadors of the King of Kings to every single person we meet. If we really remembered that we would be more patient, kinder people.

Second, this girl was ready the moment an opportunity presented itself to tell people about her God. How many times have we talked with someone and after we left thought, “Why didn’t I mention Jesus to them?” This girl was ready because she was obviously thinking about God and remembering the great things that He had done- a lot! That is true for us also. The more we are intentionally thinking about God, the faster He will come to our lips in conversation. Our words about Jesus could bring healing and salvation to someone, as they did here.

Naaman’s slave girl would never know the far-reaching effects of her faith in God, but we can be grateful that they were written down for us. Her story reminds us that anyone, regardless of station in life, can do big things that have eternal consequence, just as she did, by remembering whose we are and by opening our mouths at just the right time.

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Reading Plan- Week Eighteen

Day One- 2 Kings 5
Day Two- 2 Kings 6
Day Three- 2 Kings 7
Day Four- 2 Kings 8
Day Five- 2 Kings 9