Does the Bible Contradict Itself? (Romans 4)

Is the Bible ever wrong? Though the vast majority of Christians would emphatically answer, “no!”, theologians have been grappling with a particular “contradiction” for years. In Romans four, Paul spends the entire chapter explaining that people are saved, not through their works, but through faith alone. In fact, according to Paul, our works are less […]

The Only Way? (Romans 1-3)

Several years ago, I happened to be watching an extremely popular daytime talk show. The panel was discussing religion. Most of the hosts had a general distaste for religion in general and Christianity specifically. Only one woman was there defending the faith. As the other hosts ganged up on the Christian woman a bit, one […]

Thriving (Acts 27-28)

The book of Acts certainly ends with a bang! The ship that was carrying Paul as a prisoner to Rome dramatically wrecks. (After Paul told them that it would weeks earlier.) The crew and prisoners onboard have to swim to a nearby island where Paul is bitten by a poisonous snake. God heals the father […]

Don’t Let Them Fall (Acts 20)

Poor Eutychus really wanted to hear what the apostle Paul had to say. Even though the room was full, he sat in a windowsill of the third story window and listened intently. But “Paul talked on and on (Acts 20:9)”…and the room was so warm and it was after midnight (vs. 7). Before Eutychus knew […]

The Spiritual Power Couple (Acts 18)

Priscilla and Aquila were a spiritual power couple. (Hashtag: #Priquila!) This power couple is first mentioned in the book of Acts, but is found in six places and four different books of the New Testament, proof of their importance to the early church. Priscilla and Aquila are one of the best examples in scripture of […]

From Hero to Zero (Acts 14)

In Acts 14, Paul and Barnabas experienced a dramatic turn of events. They had healed a man who had been crippled from birth. As the man was listening to Paul preach, Paul looked right at him and called at him to stand to his feet. The lame man did! The crowd in Lystra went wild! […]

Thriving Despite (Acts 12)

King Herod realized that persecuting the new Christian church was politically expedient. He had the apostle James killed and watched his poll numbers among the Jewish elite in his constituency skyrocket. It worked out so well for him that he put Peter in prison and planned to put him on trial as well. The night […]

Offering (Acts 10)

There was a centurion in the Italian Regiment of the Roman army named Cornelius. Acts 10:2 tells us, “He and all his family were devout and God-fearing; he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly.” One day, an angel appeared to Cornelius and told him, “Your prayers and gifts to the […]

Stand Next to that Road! (Acts 8)

There is a fascinating story tucked into Acts 8 about a guy named Philip, and honestly, it’s so cool that it may just blow your mind! First, this Philip was one of the seven extraordinary deacons listed in Acts 6. He was a Hellenist (a Greek-speaking Jew) and had a thriving ministry in Samaria. He […]