A Good Washing (John 13)

The story of Jesus washing His disciple’s feet (in John 13) was meant to shock them and us. The picture of Jesus kneeling down with a basin of water and a towel washing the dust from the feet of the very man whose betrayal would, in a matter of hours, send Him to a horrific death is almost more than we can comprehend. And yet, there it is.

Peter couldn’t believe it either, and he didn’t like it.

Jesus explained to Peter that unless he allowed Him to wash his feet, Peter wouldn’t be able to have full fellowship with Him.

It is the same with us. We walk through this dusty world picking up all manner of ungodliness and filth and the only way to get rid of it and remain holy enough to have close fellowship with God is to allow ourselves to be continually washed with the Word of God.

It’s not that we will lose our salvation if we don’t have this washing. According to the Believer’s Bible Commentary, “As we read and study the Bible, as we hear it preached, ad as we discuss it with one another, we find it cleanses us from the evil influences about us…When Jesus said, ‘you have no part with Me,’ He did not mean that Peter could not be saved unless He washed him, but rather that fellowship with the Lord can be maintained only by the continual cleansing action of the Scriptures in his life.”

Friend, you are on the right track! Keep washing your mind with scripture and you will remain close to Christ.

We are so glad to have you in Bible study with us! If you miss a devotion, you can find them archived at https://comethirstyministry.com/blog/

Reading Plan–Week Seventeen

Day One–John 13
Day Two–John 14
Day Three–John 15
Day Four–John 16
Day Five–John 17