The Shampoo Parable (Luke 16)

We have hard water at our house, and while I have been made aware of all of the health benefits of well water, it still ravishes my hair. Because of this, I use a special (and VERY expensive) shampoo once a week. If I am really careful, I can make a bottle last a year.

A few weeks ago, I was cleaning up the bathroom after my son had taken a shower when I realized that my brand new, $30.00 bottle of shampoo was flung all over the shower walls! I was furious and called my son to account immediately. Apparently, he was using it to make a volcano. I decided to show him grace and let him off with a warning never to use my shampoo again.

Not an hour later, my son flew into a rage at his sister because she had re-arranged his army men.

“You know, Clayton,” I said, “This sounds very much like a parable that Jesus told about an unforgiving servant. You were just forgiven a $30 offense, but are unwilling to overlook this relatively tiny inconvenience made by your little sister.”

Aren’t we just like this? I’ve found myself doing it a lot lately. We, who have been forgiven so much by God, still get bent out of shape at the smallest injustices done to us. In fact, we can fuss and stew about them until something minor can literally ruin our entire day.

I’m sincerely working on my attitude. Maybe you want to join me?

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Reading Plan–Week Twelve

Day One–Luke 12
Day Two–Luke 13
Day Three–Luke 14
Day Four–Luke 15
Day Five–Luke 16