I’ve Got Your Back (Nehemiah 4)

If you are looking for practical wisdom on living the Christian life well, you can toss entire libraries of self-help books because the book of Nehemiah has you covered.

When Nehemiah and the Jews rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem undertook this vast building project, they “worked with all their hearts.” (Neh. 4:6) Even though they were working hard and were in the will of God, they still faced intense opposition. This can happen to us too. Opposition does not equal disobedience in every situation.

Nehemiah wisely reminded the people to stay focused. “Remember the Lord,” he said, “Who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.” (Neh. 4:14)

When the opposition became so dangerous that the people didn’t think that they could keep going (they literally couldn’t get a drink of water without carrying a sword), Nehemiah did something brilliant. He divided the people in half and stationed half of the workers with their swords and spears drawn behind the other half who was actually doing the work. (vs. 16-17)

Talk about having your back!

Do you know what? This is exactly what we are doing when we pray for other Believers. We aren’t called to do everything, but we can join in what others are doing by praying a spiritual hedge of protection around them so that they can actually accomplish the work that God has called them to. This is a vital ministry that anyone can do.

Our Bible teachers, pastors, worship leaders, foster parents, ministry volunteers, missionaries, and all the rest, desperately need our faithful prayers. They literally can’t do their work with any kind of spiritual efficacy without it. Let’s not leave them up on the wall building alone. Let’s stand behind them with our spiritual swords drawn, offering them the protection of our prayers.

We are so glad to have you in Bible study with us! If you miss a devotion, you can find them archived at https://comethirstyministry.com/blog/

Reading Plan- Week Twenty-Four

Day One- Ezra 10
Day Two- Nehemiah 1
Day Three- Nehemiah 2
Day Four- Nehemiah 3
Day Five- Nehemiah 4