If you are here, you are in the right place! Come Thirsty Ministry exists to help you grow in your own relationship with Christ, share your faith with others in an effective way and equip you to change the world as only you can. I’m glad you found our community, we love walking this life with you! With Great Affection, Alicia
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There is so much more to the life and ministry of the prophet Elijah than fire coming down from Heaven. Alicia Marks invites you to join her on an exciting six-week study of Elijah and discover how the examples of selflessness, obedience, boldness, an intimate prayer life and an eternal perspective found in the book of First Kings can revolutionize your spiritual walk
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God has big plans for you! You are a significant part of His master plan for this earth, but it won't just happen. Join Alicia as we study the book of First Kings and discover how to develop your spiritual walk so that you are in the best possible position to say, "yes" to God when He calls.
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— Check out the Videos